Drawn from more than 30 years of original research and data from three million leaders, The Leadership Challenge® gives everyone the tools to lead well. Approaching leadership as a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviours, the programme is designed to be integrated into daily practices to achieve remarkable outcomes.
As a Global Training Partner with a Certified Master of The Leadership Challenge®, Halogen is equipped to help leaders achieve extraordinary results.
Key Features
- Train students and youths within your institutions more effectively to engage in The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®.
- Acquire skills to explain and interpret students’ leadership behaviours through the Student Leadership Practices Inventory® (Student LPI®), a 360º assessment tool to measure one’s leadership competencies and how to act on those insights
- Receive training by a Master Facilitator in The Leadership Challenge® and enhance your ability to groom effective student leaders
- Issue SLC Certificates to students and youths who complete the full SLC Programme (This includes Student LPI®)
Pre-requisites: Completion of The Leadership Challenge®