
If you are interested in combining the skill of facilitation with entertainment or want to level up your facilitation skills, Callista Anne has a method that you may find useful.

On 7th January 2022, Callista Anne, a Halogen volunteer and ex-intern, led a Personal Development Workshop (PDW) for our Halogen community. A key aspect of her workshop was the use of applied drama in facilitation, incorporating elements of drama to engage and connect with the audience.

She shared with us the many applications of applied drama, such as playback theatre, forum theatre, and drama-in-education, which are all ways in which certain key messages can be conveyed to the audience. In addition, she addressed misconceptions and insecurities we had about the application of applied drama. She highlighted that drama was not about acting skills, but rather about one’s understanding of the world and their shared experiences. In discovering my limited knowledge of drama, I was able to see it as more than just entertainment but also as a window that provided insight into the lives of people of different backgrounds.

Thereafter, we were introduced to different drama toolkits relevant to facilitation, such as ‘Hot Seat’, where participants in the hot seat take on a particular persona, with characteristics similar to those of typical students and have the audience react to their behaviours. Using stereotypical actions and props, the persona is acted out to create a realistic atmosphere and further immerse the students in the experience. In order to learn more about the situation of the person in the hot seat, participants were required to speak directly with them which resulted in an increase in communication and interaction.

In the session’s closing, she shared some tips with us, including knowing what message to convey to the audience, and to use big actions for dramatic flair. She also advised us to adjust our methods to the different age groups, since their personalities and needs will differ.

By attending this engaging workshop, we were able to gain valuable insights into how to integrate drama into content delivery. It was also interesting to learn that there are many different ways to convey ideas and facilitate effectively other than using conventional methods. Thank you Calista for this educational workshop!