Navigating A Volatile World - Preparing Our Youth For The Future [Halogen Foundation]

Young people are our future — by 2030, the youth population is expected to grow to 1.3 billion. As the world continues to evolve and grow in complexity, there is a pressing need to invest in them to prepare them to take the helm of our economy, country, and world.

On this end, youth development organisations and practitioners need to adapt our approaches to the changing context of youth. A key aspect in achieving this is to understand what youths of today need in order to thrive in the future.

In this report, we seek to identify attributes (a mix of characteristics, mindsets, and skill sets) that are key to a young person’s development. The result is our Attributes-Based Development Framework.

Through this framework, we hope that it can be a means for us and other youth organisations and practitioners to have a language we can use to talk about youth development and work towards filling in the gaps and supporting the young people we serve.

These resources by Halogen Foundation can be used for free in an educational or home setting, but not for commercial purposes.
You do not need to seek permission from Halogen Foundation to use them, though out of courtesy, a credit/acknowledgement is appreciated.